... no really, we did! Actually, it was the restaurant/bar where I worked as a waitress. It's been exactly two years since we first met and we've been inseparable ever since. What better way to celebrate than with a little photo shoot? My good friend Clarice of Happenstance Designshelped to style me since I had no idea what to wear. Thanks Claire for all the beautiful accessories! I also wanted to do this as practice to see exactly how much make-up I would need in photos. Who knew that my skin would photograph so pale, especially in outdoor lighting? If I had to do it all over again, I would have used more blush and bronzer to create more dimension on myself, since I have very round cheeks! I would have also added thicker eyeliner for more frame on the eyes. I've found that it's much easier to do make-up on others where I can step back and look to see if more or less is needed. In spite of my lack of coloring, I was really happy with how all the pictures turned out. It was fun to wear lashes and play dress up for a bit. Hope you enjoy some of the fun moments we had while shooting with Paul Bothwell. He's awesome! I love the splashes of blues he captured. Kevin and I have a fun life together and Paul helped us convey that in our photos. Thanks to Kevin for being such a good sport and keeping me smiling throughout the two hour long shoot (and every single day too!).